Monday, February 13, 2012

Checking One's Wings

In an effort to keep my overstuffed file cabinet from exploding, I'm scanning file folders full of clippings, notes, and other snippets that I thought I might use sometime, but haven't seen the light of day for years. I don't know if I'm any more likely to use them now that they have metamorphosed from yellowing sheets of paper to electrons on my computer, but they do take up less room this way.

I found a wonderful quote that I clipped from a newspaper and taped to an index card. Pearl S. Buck said pretty much exactly what I have been thinking, but she said it first and she said it better:

"It is no simple matter to pause in the midst of one's maturity, when life is full of function, to examine what are the principles which control that functioning."


  1. So true.... pause.... reflect... take flight

    Happy Valentine's Day, Nancy!

  2. Ooh--love that quote! Thanks, Nancy!

  3. And, this is part of why we keep tuning into your blog... We are hoping you will shed some light on the principles which control that functioning for all of us!

    Happy Birthday, btw!


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